5 actions

  1. Become a clinic escort at Cherry Hill Women’s Center and elsewhere https://thewomenscenters.com/take-action/volunteer/
  2. Donate locally to provide funding for women in New Jersey who cannot afford to pay for their abortions. https://abortionfunds.org/…/new-jersey-abortion-access-fund/
  3. Call the sponsors of “New Jersey Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” – Bill A5287. Let them know that you condemn this bill that propagates a dangerous myth. Abortions are not performed on fetuses that can survive outside the womb. That is simply a lie. The primary sponsors are in LD 24 and 26. Vote them all out this November.
  4. “I believe in the sanctity of human life, from the womb to the tomb.”-Chris Smith (R-NJ4). If you are in NJ’s congressional district 4 (or elsewhere) work to vote him out in 2020.
  5. Ask your legislator if they will support codifying New Jersey’s case law on abortion (currently stronger than Roe). Donate to groups like NOW-NJ, ACLU NJ, PPAFNJ who are working on strengthening abortion access in NJ