
 Join our TwitterStorm this Thursday, February 2 from noon to 2PM to #PassTheRFA

Join ThriveNJ, along with other reproductive rights activists in a TwitterStorm to apply pressure on our legislative leaders to get the Reproductive Freedom Act heard in the Senate and Assembly Health Committees.

To participate, just send a few tweets THURSDAY, February 4, from 12 to 2 PM 

using the hashtag #PassTheRFA 

A TwitterStorm is a spike in activity surrounding a certain topic on Twitter, linked together by a specific hashtag. This social media toolkit includes ready-to-post tweets and engaging graphics to share. We encourage you to use content that makes sense for your followers — or create your own tweets and graphics using the hashtag #PassTheRFA.

Sample Tweets

Join our #Twitterstorm Thursday 2/4! Use hashtag #PassTheRFA from 12-2pm to encourage NJ Legislature to advance the Reproductive Freedom Act. [ADD GRAPHIC No. 1]

Now more than ever we must protect and expand access to reproductive health care including abortion in NJ. New Jersey needs the Reproductive Freedom Act S3030/A4848: Post the bill in the Health Committee! @senatorvitale @NJSenatePres @SpeakerCoughlin @herbconaway #PassTheRFA

States have enacted 483 new restrictions since 2010. Faced with hostile Supreme Court, #ReproductiveFreedomActNJ will ensure New Jerseyans have the right to make their own health decisions. @NJSenatePres @SpeakerCoughlin #PassTheRFA [ADD GRAPHIC No. 2]

According to @Guttmacher only 6 states are considered supportive of abortion, New Jersey can join their ranks with #ReproductiveFreedomActNJ S3030/A4848. to email your legislators to #PassTheRFA [ADD GRAPHIC No. 3]

53% of abortion patients paid out of pocket for their procedure. @senatorvitale @NJSenatePres @SpeakerCoughlin @herbconaway New Jersey must #PassTheRFA to provide equitable coverage [ADD GRAPHIC No. 4]

In 2017, third of NJ counties had no clinics that provided abortions, and 26% of New Jersey women lived in those counties. @senatorvitale @NJSenatePres @SpeakerCoughlin @herbconaway #PassTheRFA to remove barriers to access! [ADD GRAPHIC No. 5]

According to Guttmacher, about one in four (24%) women will have an abortion by age 45. Learn the facts at #PassTheRFA to support Reproductive Freedom in NJ

A pandemic is raging across nation. Politicians in other states continue to attack healthcare access, @senatorvitale @NJSenatePres @SpeakerCoughlin @herbconaway make NJ a leader in safeguarding reproductive care and respecting decision-making throughout pregnancy. #PassTheRFA [ADD GRAPHIC No. 6]

Sample Graphics



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