NOW NJ Foundation
About the NOW NJ Foundation
The National Organization for Women NJ Foundation (“NOW NJ Foundation”) is a 501(c) (3) organization devoted to achieving full equality for women through education and programming.
The NOW NJ Foundation is affiliated with the National Organization for Women of New Jersey, Inc, the largest feminist grassroots organization in the state with eight local chapters thousands of contributing members and supporters.
Menstrual Equity in NJ
Our mission is to remove Period Stigma, Period Poverty and barriers to Period Product access through policy change and advocacy. If you are a parent, student, teacher, administrator or stakeholder who can provide information on how the lack of access to menstrual products affects the education of students in New Jersey, please fill out our survey.
Health Care Initiative
There is one issue that affects us all, OUR HEALTH. Right now, we are stuck with high health insurance costs. Even withe the ACA little has changed – new laws but we still have little choice. That’s because we are still paying the “1%” to take care of us – and they couldn’t care less!
Women’s Healthcare Task Force

A provision in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) allows states to pursue a statewide single-payer option for healthcare. The Foundation raised funds to pay for a study to evaluate the savings for the State of New Jersey, for our county and municipal governments, for businesses throughout the state, and for residents, if we institute a single-payer system for All New Jerseyans.
UPDATE: As the national conversation has moved towards Medicare For All, recognizing that a state single-payer system may not be warranted, the moneys collected have been donated to Healthcare-Now Education Fund.