NOW New Jersey (NOW NJ) has eight (8) vacant State Officer positions. The NOW NJ Grievance Committee, acting as the NOW NJ Election Committee (Election Committee), has been tasked by the NOW Board of Directors to conduct an election to fill these seats in compliance with NOW NJ and National NOW Bylaws and election rules. We encourage you to submit your nomination for one of the following positions:
Prospective candidates may learn more about specific officer duties in Article VI, State Officers, of the NOW NJ Bylaws. The terms of office shall run for two (2) years from 2023 through 2025. Who is eligible to fill the NOW NJ officer vacancies: Any member of NOW NJ in good standing who resides in New Jersey shall be eligible to hold state office. Candidate eligibility will be verified by the Election Committee. If the Election Committee finds that any nominee fails to meet the required qualifications, the Election Committee shall ask the nominee to provide further verification of qualification before making a final determination. How the NOW NJ elections will be conducted: The eight (8) officers will be elected by majority vote of eligible NOW NJ members. An impartial third-party organization will provide a virtual online balloting process to ensure procedural fairness and accuracy of the vote tally. In the event that more than two (2) candidates are nominated for the same office, preferential voting shall be utilized. A virtual Candidate Forum will be held on 5:00 PM EST (approximate) Sunday, October 1, to provide an opportunity for the candidates to speak to NOW NJ members and answer questions. The virtual election shall open 7:00 PM EST October 1 and run until 7:00 PM EST, Wednesday, October 4. The newly elected officers shall take office immediately after the verified election results are announced by the Election Committee. How to apply: If you are interested in filling any of these vacancies, please apply online via this link by 11:59 PM EST, Friday, September 8, 2023. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the NOW NJ Election Committee at NOW NJ Election Committee: Kim Villanueva, chair Christine Chin Ryan Jerilyn Stapleton Thomas Hart, Esq. Cc: NOW Executive Committee |