In the NEWS

F.D.A. Approves Narcan for Over-the-Counter Sales

  The nasal spray reverses opioid overdoses and public health officials hope that making it more widely available could save lives and reduce the nation’s high rates of drug fatalities. Narcan, a prescription nasal spray that reverses opioid overdoses, can now be...

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Activists urge movement on Reproductive Freedom Act

A swath of activists urged state lawmakers to advance the Reproductive Freedom Act, which remains stalled more than six months after its introduction last October. The groups, including the state branches of the National Organization of Women and Planned Parenthood...

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New Jerseyans Need the Reproductive Freedom Act Now

Advocates across the state call on lawmakers to pass the bill expediently to ensure rights, equity, and access  Thrive NJ, a coalition of advocates across the state, calls on lawmakers to pass the Reproductive Freedom Act (S3030/A4848). An increasingly hostile Supreme...

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The “F*cking B*tch” Club

Surely by now you heard about Ted Yoho, the republican Congressman from Florida whose invective towards NY Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (“AOC”) made national news. The incident distilled an awful lot into one mean-spirited encounter, notably the enduring...

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A reflection from the intersection of gender and race | Opinion

A shooting at the North Brunswick home of a federal judge and a brief exchange of words on the steps of the Capitol, which ended with one member of Congress calling another a “f**king b*tch” — what could they possibly have in common? After all, one took place in New...

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