As of the close of nominations last Friday September 8, a total of 6 candidates applied for 6 separate positions. The NAC has verified that all 6 candidates are eligible to run — creating an uncontested slate of officers:
President: Jill LaZare
Treasurer: Michelle Deimling
Secretary: Diane Scrangella
Administrative VP: Maureen Yewaisis
Communications VP: Karen Lontka
Membership VP: Shirley Henderson
Following NOW’s practice in other uncontested races, the Election Committee has determined that the 6 NOW NJ candidates have been elected by default. We are cancelling the October 1 Candidates Forum and the October 1-4 online election since the outcome would be the same.
We have already reached out to Simply Voting about this change. Since no setup work had been done up to this point, SV is not charging any fees to NOW NJ.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Congratulations to you all on your election as NOW NJ officers for 2023-2025.
Thank you,
Kim Villanueva

Chair, NOW NJ Election Committee